Thursday, April 26, 2007

Blast from the Past: Scratch N' Sniff...

As a child, a good Scratch N' Sniff sticker collection was more valuable than money.
(*True story: The original script for "Scarface" read "In this country, you gotta get the stickers first. Then when you get the stickers, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the woman." This was later changed by Pacino, who loves to improvise.)

Scratch and sniff is created through the process of micro-encapsulation. The desired aroma is surrounded by tiny micro-capsules that break easily upon scratching. Because of the
micro-encapsulation, the aroma can be preserved for extremely long periods of time.

Below, magnified 1000 times, is Scratch N' Sniff Paper.

These tiny glass capsules contain a liquid scent and are glued onto paper. When the paper is scratched, some of the capsules are ruptured and the scent is released.
And now you know...

What was YOUR favorite scent?


so'c said...

i like the scent of fear.

Anonymous said...

I always had a thing for ass.