Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Folly of Feeling Human

"Man - full of emptiness and torn apart with homesickness for the desert,
who because of a lack of external enemies and opposition was forced into an oppressive narrowness and regularity of custom - impatiently tore himself apart, persecuted himself, gnawed away at himself, grew upset, and did himself damage - this animal which scraped itself raw against the bars of its cage, which people want to "tame", this impoverished creature, consumed with longing for the wild, had to create in itself an adventure, a torture chamber, an uncertain and dangerous wilderness - this fool, this yearning and puzzled prisoner, was the inventor of "bad conscience". With him was introduced the greatest and weirdest illness, from which human beings up to the present time have not recovered - the suffering of man from his humanness, from himself..."
Friedrich Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals